This is how we operate

A new automation & management platform for physical-1st businesses - restaurants,  fast-food, and hotels.

Dex makes operations simple and accessible, with maintenance and task management, shift scheduling and a dashboard for managers and owners.

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Work schedule

Organisational  chat

Faults dashboard

Full visibility for HQ

Task management

Join 200+ locations


paper-based processes

Managerial time

Digitisation of knowledge

Operational savings from
Improved maintenance

Increase in task

Faster employee

Take a


Manager  dashboard

Communication With your  employees: personal area for managers and employees (with permissions) where you can see the individual/team tasks due today,  and the pace of progress/efficiency.

Each employee has access to any operational job aspect: work schedule and a professional operational group chat for tasks notes, staff messages, procedures, welfare and details, groups, and more.

Faults dashboard

A board that allows control and monitoring of all faults/maintenance/urgent treatment issues, including status, opening date, photos, dedicated chat, and comments.

All information is stored in a history that shows the severity of the objects in the business and their fault history, downtime, and cost (divided by departments/business areas)

Work schedule

Employees get a detailed digital schedule for the entire week, so they know their tasks and missions for the current shift and all the weekly shifts coming up

HQ dashboard

A meta view of all group accounts (or branches). Live status of task performance / maintenance (daily / weekly / monthly), regulation and faults or urgent issues to be addressed at each of the locations.



Company playbook

Operational digital playbook for each job, role and task.

Operational communication

Task oriented organisational chat between HQ, management & employees.

Control and faults center

Real-time dashboard overview of all tasks and operational aspects.

Ongoing maintenance

Maintenance guide based on frequency and function



Alon Breitstein
Co-founder, CTO

"The power of silence"
Frederic Delarue

Liron Swissa
Co-founder, CEO

"Don't stop me now cause i'm having such a good time"

Oded Peled
Co-founder, COO

"Walking on sunshine"
Katrina and the waves

Roie Myara
Head Of Sales / Israel

"I wanna be a billionaire, So fu**ing bad"
Bruno Mars

Omer Ben-Hemo
Customer Success / Israel

"Stronger than yesterday"
Britney Spears

Nadav Burshtein
Regional sales manager / NYC

"Just Beat it"
Michael Jackson

Great Operations Are The Key To True Success!

Contact us today for a free trial

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